Eat Like a President: Try a President's Favorite Food

Posted on 16 Feb 2023 in Our Food

Eat Like a President: Try a President's Favorite Food

Posted on 16 Feb 2023 in Our Food

President’s Day is celebrated every year on the third Monday of February. Originally chosen to honor George Washington’s birthday on February 22, the holiday has developed into a celebration of all U.S. presidents. While we take the time to remember the accomplishments of American leaders on this holiday, we can also celebrate in a more fun way—by trying some of their favorite foods! We’ve matched 9 President’s favorite foods with Heart to Home Meals dishes. 

This year, you can eat like a President! 

  1. Thomas Jefferson – Mac and Cheese 

Thomas Jefferson, the 3rd President of the United States, was known for penning the Declaration of Independence. A little-known fact about him, however, was his love for mac and cheese. During his time traveling in Europe, he discovered his taste for this dish, and was credited with popularizing it in the United States.  At Heart to Home Meals, we have Jefferson's favorite meal in mini, standard, and hearty sizes!

  1. James Madison – Ice Cream 

James Madison, the 4th President, had a sweet tooth—particularly for ice cream! His wife, First Lady Dolley Madison, popularized it during her husband’s tenure as President. While vanilla would’ve been the preferred flavor of this time period, modern tastes have evolved into sweeter flavors, such as strawberry

  1. Millard Filmore – Soup 

Millard Filmore, the 13th President, served in office in the mid-1800s as the last member of the Whig Party to hold presidential office. Fillmore was a fan of hearty foods, and particularly liked soup. Heart to Home Meals offers a variety of soups, including Beef Barley, Minestrone, and Cream of Tomato

  1. Abraham Lincoln – Bacon 

Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States, is hailed as one of the most significant leaders in American history. Known for his leadership during the Civil War and support of the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery, Lincoln can oftentimes feel like a larger-than-life figure. His love for bacon, however, reminds us that Lincoln was a regular man as well. Perhaps he would’ve enjoyed our new Pork Loin with Bacon Sauce?  

  1. Theodore Roosevelt- Steak and Gravy 

Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th President, is remembered for his adventurous persona and commitment to wildlife preservation. As an avid hunter, he loved game, but counts steak and gravy among his favorite meals. To try a meal to Teddy’s liking, we’d recommend Roast Beef in a Tangy Red Wine Sauce

  1. Warren G. Harding – Chicken Pot Pie 

Warren G. Harding, the 29th President, was in office from 1920 until his death in 1923. An Ohio native, his Midwest roots might have inspired his love for comfort food, particularly Chicken Pot Pie. Heart to Home Meals offers Chicken Pot Pie in a standard size or hearty—we bet Harding would’ve preferred the hearty! 

  1. Calvin Coolidge- Apple Pie 

Upon the death of Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge became the 30th President. The New Englander, born in Vermont and lived in Massachusetts as an adult was a fan of regional favorites. Coolidge’s favorite dessert was an Apple Pie. Our Old-Fashioned Apple Pie takes inspiration from classic recipes, much like the ones Coolidge would’ve grown up eating.   

  1. JFK – Clam Chowder 

Like Coolidge, 35th President and Massachusetts native John F. Kennedy loved New England foods. He cited New England Clam Chowder as his favorite dish. Our newest soup, our Clam Chowder is an homage to the iconic New England soup.  

  1. Gerald Ford- Pot Roast 

Gerald Ford, the 38th President, is known as the only President to not have been elected to the seat of Presidency or Vice Presidency, rising to the office after the Watergate scandal. His favorite food was an old-fashioned Pot Roast—our Traditional Pot Roast would’ve surely satisfied him! 


Heart to Home Meals wishes everyone a Happy President’s Day. For more information about Presidents' favorite meals, see our reference article: US Presidents Favorite Food: Bacon, Pancakes, and Steak ( 

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