Meet Christine!

Meet Christine!

Posted on 02 May 2022 in Our People

A radiant energy in the office, Christine has been an amazing addition to the Heart to Home Meals team since December 2020.

"Christine has shown a passion for our food and our customers since the first day she joined the team,” says Bob, Operations Manager. “She loves helping people and brings a positive outlook every day!"

As a Customer Service Manager, Christine orchestrates the day-to-day operations of the Customer Service department. From processing orders over the phone, voicemail messages, to web orders, Christine is one of the many women behind the scenes, delivering friendly service we pride ourselves in.

“Christine trained me when I started a year ago and has always been helpful with any questions or problems I have,” says her fellow Customer Service Representative, Julie. “She really enjoys her job, and it shows every day. The customers love talking to her about the meals.”

Originally from Westford, Massachusetts, Christine currently lives in Fitchburg, Massachusetts and previously worked in newspaper advertising and sales. Christine’s favorite memory at Heart to Home Meals was the day she had the opportunity to help Shay with a field marketing event and was able to speak in-person to the customers she speaks with on the phone every day.

“One of the qualities I appreciate about Christine is her dedication to the customers,” says Karen, one of our Customer Service Representatives. “Christine truly believes in this service and its mission and is always willing to go above and beyond to help a customer out.”

In her off-time, Christine can be found outside walking or gardening.


What is your favorite Heart to Home Meals dish?

Fish Florentine

What is your favorite part about working at HTHM?

I love speaking with our customers and working with the HTHM family every day.


Where is your favorite place to vacation?

Acadia National Park in Bar Harbor, ME.


What is something that other people might not know about you?

I volunteer for the local Haitian Outreach. It is based out of Fitchburg, MA and helps give children in Haiti hope for a better life through attending school and get an education. You can even sponsor a child and their academics.


What's your personal motto?

"Be the change you wish to see in the world." - Mahatma Gandhi


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